Wayne Manzer Tribute Sunday, Feb 2 @ 1pm

Wayne Manzer Tribute Sunday, Feb 2 @ 1pm

Sunday Feb 2 Tribute to Wayne Manzer

As most of you who met Wayne Manzer know, he was a well loved club member and leader with Golden Nordic This Sunday as we wrap up the awards of the Loppet at Dawn Mt. Chalet, we invite everyone to join us in a short tribute to Wayne. It will be around 1PM.

We will have our caterer serving lunch at noon and for $10/adult and $5/ child you can join us for a great lunch, and refreshments will be available.

Bring your skis or snowshoes and go for a leisurely ski or snowshoe in memory of Wayne.

Loppet for Locals : Come Join Us in our celebration of Skiing

There is room to join our Loppet as a participant, so we want you to be part of the event. To register, go to https://zone4.ca/register.asp?id=22889

2020 Dawn Mountain Huckleberry Loppet

2020 Dawn Mountain Huckleberry Loppet

2020 Dawn Mt. Huckleberry Loppet, Golden B.C. Race Notice Classic: Saturday, February 1, 11 AM Skating: Sunday, February 2, 11AM Location: Dawn Mountain Nordic Centre, 1695 Hector Trail Golden B.C. 25 minutes from Golden, follow signs to Kicking Horse Mt. Resort and drive through the resort to turn right on Hector Trail. Golden is 1.5 hours east of Revelstoke, 2.5 hours west of Calgary, with good road conditions. HOST CLUB: Golden Nordic Ski Club, Box 1991, Golden BC, V0A1H0.

Register HERE

Come on up ... we are "kinda" open

Come on up and enjoy the Dawn Mountain trails as we are “kinda” open but not officially … yet.  

We had 17cm of snow through our last snow cycle, this made it possible to groom the upper loops, they are in early season conditions but ski-able. The skate lanes still need a little more snow.

Groomed for classic are Beaver, Chickadee, Coyote, Lynx, Super Charger, Marmot.

The chalet will be open for the weekend only and during the week the basement will be open so the washrooms can be accessed.