As reported by our grooming team
Dawn Mountain
March 25th, 2025
@ 9:00 am we received no new snow overnight, currently 1C and overcast, trails are in very good condition, awesome Spring skiing
Classic: very good - variable
Skate: very good
Groomed Today: all trails have been cat groomed, please see the grooming board
The snowmobile crossings on Raven are getting some dirt exposure. Use caution when approaching these with any speed.
Your Grooming Team
Dawn Mountain Snowshoe Trails
March 23, 2025
The snowshoe trails are in decent shape. With the warming trend coming up, we have some deeper holes on the trail when people are on the trail when it’s isothermic snow (sink to the bottom). Best to avoid the trail when it’s above +8C.
CAUTION: the area near the beaver dam is getting melted out. To avoid falling into the marsh, please only use the outer perimeter trails and skip Mountain View Trail near the cabin area until things harden up with colder temperatures.
Here is a link to our trails fees or snowshoe trail map. Included in your club membership
Use the trails at your own risk.
We do not allow dogs on any of the Dawn Mountain trails, including the snowshoe trails.
Please keep your snowshoes on at all times to the trailhead and on the snowshoe trail and when crossing ski trails as walking on the trails creates holes in the trail.
When crossing ski trails, please walk on the side of the ski trails and step over any ski tracks (grooves in the snow) to keep them intact for the cross-country skiers. Thanks!
Don’t forget to pay your trail fee (included in Golden Nordic Ski Club membership) to support the maintenance of the snowshoe trails.
Golden Golf Course Trails - CLOSED
The Golf Course ski trials are now CLOSED.
We hope you enjoyed the season. There’s still great skiing at Dawn Mountain Nordic Centre.
NOTE: The golf course club has closed the ski trails on March 3rd so they can start plowing out their golf spaces for summer season.
Please help keep the golf course trails dog-free as this ensures continued permission from the golf club to use these trails in winter for skiing.
Link to golf course trail map.
Please bring some cash (free for members of the Golden Nordic Ski Club) to deposit into the donation box (suggested $2) at the trailhead to help with the snowmobile fuel cost.
Please note:
The golf course is set for classic skiing only.
Please no dogs or walking on the trails.
There is no outhouse/washroom facility at the trailhead. The nearest washroom is at the intersection of Kicking Horse Trail and the Golf Course Road at the CBT trailhead.
Grooming at the Golden golf course is done by volunteers of the Golden Nordic Ski Club.
Thank you for your support!